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Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy
The Lindenwold Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying of a student. The district board of education has determined that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards; harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe and disciplined environment. Since students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers should be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying. No pupil, staff member, vendor, volunteer or visitor shall commit an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying of any kind against any member of the school community.
You may also fill out a PDF version of the reporting form below and email it to the District Superintendent:
Dr. Kristin P O'Neil
The Building Principal:
HIB Reporting form for Local Educational Agency (Staff Reporting Forms)
HIB Reporting Form for Families, Students, & Community
HIB Coordinator
Amber Callow Anti-Bullying Coordinator/ Community & Inclusion Coordinator 801 Egg Harbor Rd. Lindenwold, NJ 08021 agresik-callow @lindenwold.k12.nj.us 856-741-0320 ext. 1509
School Climate State Coordinator (HIB@DOE.NJ.GOV)
LHS Anti-Bullying Specialists
Allyson Chiaccio
Christopher Cybulski
Laura Vaughn
801 Egg Harbor Rd. Lindenwold, NJ 08021
856-741-0320 ext. 1010
Lindenwold Public Schools Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Information
Click here for the District's HIB Policy 5512
Click here for the NJ Guidance for Parents
Click here for Obtaining Assistance For Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Concerns Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR)
Click here for the most recent official HIB grade report