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Graduation Requirements
To graduate from Lindenwold High School, you must meet the following academic, community service, and testing requirements.
Course Requirements
Grading Scale
Report cards are issued four times a year in accordance with board policy. Student grades are reported numerically as follows:
A = 92 – 100
B = 83 – 91
C = 74 – 82
D = 65 – 73
F = Below 65
Community Service
Students will be required to complete a minimum of forty hours of community service before graduation (10 hours per year). Counselors and Administration will discuss the guidelines, student responsibilities, and verify completion of the community service requirement. Students cannot be promoted to the next grade level if service hours are not completed for the year.
New Jersey State Testing Requirements
Students must take and demonstrate proficiency in grade 11 on the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment, which includes content aligned to the grade 10 New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) in ELA, and the NJSLS in Algebra 1 and Geometry. If after completing the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment a student does not demonstrate proficiency on the ELA or mathematics section, the student may retake the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in the following summer or fall. A student with disabilities, whose IEP states that they are not eligible for the alternate assessment (Dynamic Learning Maps), must take the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in grade 11.
Free Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Graduation Requirement
As of July 1, 2024 the New Jersey Department of Education requires that all graduating students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as a requirement for graduation. Students and families are allowed to complete a waiver form expempting them from completing the FAFSA. Students over the age of 18 can exempt themselves, and students under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by the students parent or guardian.