• Family/Community Partnerships - Electronic Devices (Cell Phones, Smart Watches, etc.):

    This year, we are focusing on the importance of the home-school partnerships. There are so many things that we can not do alone. WE NEED YOU. One area where you can assist us is to support our protocols regarding the use of electronic devices (including but not limited to: cell phones, smart watch communication apps, and AirPods) in school. Electronic devices have become a significant learning distraction and have also become an actual safety issue in schools across the country. As a result, we need our families to understand our protocols and support us by reinforcing this message at home, too.


  • LHS Letter to Families (English) 9/2024

    LHS Letter to Families (Spanish) 9/2024


    Grade PK – Grade 12:

    Students may not use their personal electronic devices to randomly record or photograph other students during the school day. Only school-related photographs may be taken during the school day. Those photographs are taken by our identified and trained LHS District Student Photographers or by designated School Staff. School District Photographers or school staff ONLY use photographs for the following identified purposes: communication with families, commemorating school-related celebrations, unique educational experiences, or for school/district promotional purposes. ANY student who chooses to video record or photograph during the school day – including but not limited to – inappropriate student behavior for the purpose of personal entertainment, humiliation, bullying, or harassment will be disciplined in accordance to the Code of Conduct. Furthermore, any student SHARING photographs/videos of other students for the purposes of bullying, harassment, humiliation, etc. will be addressed in the same manner. Sharing photos and videos causes significant harm to others. We hope you can support us as these actions have become socially, emotionally, and sometimes physically harmful to oneself and others.


  • How You Can Help Us:

    Many school-related issues first begin in the community, outside of school, and are brought into the school via social media. If you see something, please say something! Families, community members, and students may report anything they see directly to a teacher, staff member, or administrator. Families, community members, or students may also use our ANONYMOUS REPORTING APP called “Stop It.” You can report ANYTHING anonymously to us using this website/app. You can find it in your App Store or you can find it online: www.lindenwold.k12.nj.us   (scroll to the middle of the page) and look for their emblem (below). You can also directly visit their website: 


    Please screen shot or save what you “See” and “Say Something” to us via email, telephone, or on our STOP IT anonymous app. You can upload any information there. You are helping us to help support children.

  • Grade PK – Grade 8:

    Students may not have electronic devices (cell phones, smart watch communication apps, AirPods, etc.) visible and in during the school day. This protocol begins the moment a student steps off onto school property. Students will be asked ONE TIME in a school day to put their electronic device away which means devices must be placed in their backpack or locker. Electronic devices should remain out of sight and in backpacks and/or lockers during the school day. Please let your children know, after requesting one time for an electronic device to be deactivated from use or put away, the electronic device will be confiscated by an administrator. Devices will then be secured in the main office and released ONLY to an adult. Electronic devices will not be returned to a child. Refusing to surrender an electronic device to an administrator will be considered insubordination. If, as a parent, you do not wish to engage in this process, you must keep the cellular devices at home. If you allow your child to bring an electronic device into school, you are agreeing to follow our protocol.

  • Governor Kathy Hochul