Free/Reduced Meals

  • A NEW meal application is required each school year for each household.  If you received a Direct Certification letter this summer, you do NOT have to complete a meal application.  The Direct Certification status means that your child and any other children attending our school that live in your household, qualify for free meals and there is nothing else you need to do. Completing a meal application may provide you with additional benefits such as eligibility for the Summer EBT program, as well as crucial funding for our schools to provide educational programs.  

    We are excited to share that you can now complete the lunch application online by accessing your student's Realtime portal to complete your application. Here are the instructions for this online application.

    If you prefer to complete the paper application, please use the links below to access these forms and instructions.

    Parent Letter & Meal Application (English)

    Parent Letter & Meal Application (Spanish)

    Please note, after you apply you will receive a determination letter with your eligibility for free/reduced meals.  If you do not receive this letter, you have not been approved.  Please contact your school main office in regard to any questions about your application determination.