• Our K-12 Health and Physical Education (HPE) curricula, like all curricula, are based on the NJDOE Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). 

    The 2020 NJSLS for HPE were designed to address the needs of each student to gain knowledge and skills in caring for themselves, interacting effectively, respectfully and safely with others, and analyzing the impact of health choices. The standards were adopted by the State Board of Education after a five-month period of discussion, public comment, and revision. Prior to introduction to the State Board, the standards were developed in consultation with stakeholders and experts in the field.

    Given that these standards contain some topics that are specific to issues related to family, gender, mental health, puberty, and other sensitive topics, we encourage all parents to become partners with our schools as we work to educate our students and help them become knowledgeable, sensitive, and understanding as they undergo physical and socio-emotional development during their school years.  Parents can review our curriculum documents here.

    The NJDOE recognizes and respects that some families prefer to have these conversations privately. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.7, any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school a signed statement that any part of instruction in health, family life education, or sex education is in conflict with his or her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course. Parents and guardians seeking to exercise this option should submit a letter to the building principal including their child’s full name, topics of which they wish to opt out, and the statement “This/These topic(s) are in conflict with my conscience and/or beliefs and I do not wish for my child to participate in these lessons. I understand that my child will be removed from the class while these topics are being discussed.” Letters must be signed and dated. Students opted out of topics will be provided other activities in an alternate location.

    If at any time you have questions regarding the curriculum, please reach out to Noel Maloney, Supervisor of HPE and Athletics, at nmaloney@lindenwold.k12.nj.us.  You can also reach out to Marc Mancinelli at mmancinelli@lindenwold.k12.nj.us