- Lindenwold Public Schools
- Gifted and Talented
Curriculum and Instruction
Page Navigation
- Directors of Curriculum (Elementary & Secondary)
- Administration: High School Instructional Supervisor
- Administration: Middle School Instructional Supervisor
- Administration: Elementary Instructional Supervisor
- Administration: Supervisor of Athletics
- Preschool
- Curriculum Maps
- Title One
- Performance Report Info
- Gifted and Talented
- District Assessment Dates & Assessment Letter
- Annual School-Wide Plans
- Program of Studies
- Health Education Info for Parents
- Recognition and Celebration of Special Months, Days, and Holidays
- Advanced Math Course Information
- Request for Interpretation
- Elementary Report Card Information
The Lindenwold Public Schools strive to provide gifted and talented students appropriate instructional adaptations and services. We recognize that giftedness may be manifested within one or more subject areas or in a manner that does not fit singularly into any specific subject area, and may occur in "twice exceptional" students such as those who also have an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
If you would like more information on our GT processes, have a complaint, or would like to call our attention to a situation where a GT student or potentially GT student's needs are not being met, please contact Dr. Mancinelli.