• Lion

  • Paul

  • Mr. Paul Maggi

    High School Instructional Supervisor

    Paul Maggi is still just as passionate about education as he was in 2002, when he graduated from Rutger’s University with a Bachelor’s Degree in History.  Mr. Maggi was assigned to Lindenwold High School to complete his student teaching experience, and it has been his professional home ever since.   Through a plethora of different experiences, Lindenwold has provided him with the opportunity to positively impact lives, including my own.  The bond created from his time as the Lion's Wrestling Coach is still visible to this day, as shown by his office ceiling tiles.  

    Mr. Maggi is a husband and father, and he has the most loving family a man can be blessed with.  He says his wife Michelle treats him like a king on most days, and he is lucky enough to have watched both of his kids continue to grow into amazing young people.